Engine R-11
A 2013 Ferrara CAFS Engine our first due Engine to structure fires. With a 1500 gpm pump, 1000 gallon water tank. It is equipped with the tools required to safely and effectively enter burning structures for rescue and fire suppression. It has one of our two thermal imaging cameras on board.

Engine R-13
A 2003 American Lafrance serves as our Rescue-Pumper. It is the second due engine to structure fires in our district and first due to other emergencies in the district that require a Class A pumper response. Equipped with a 1000 gallon water tank and a 1250gpm pump and it also serves as our Mutual Aid response engine.

Rescue R-17
A 1997 Pierce Rescue truck. It is equipped with various items such as, extrication tools, such as the “Jaws of Life”, EMS supplies, HAZMAT supplies and information resources, mass casualty supplies and is equipped to serve as our command post at extended incidents.

A 2018 Kabota UTV. Equipped with a pump, 75 gallon water tank. This is our primary off-road brush and rescue vehicle, towed by Service 16.
Service 16, a 2015 Ford 250 is also used as an EMS response vehicle, equipped with EMS supplies.

A 1992 Pierce Dash Engine. Equipped with a 1500 gallon per minute pump and 1000 gallon water tank. Engine 12 is primarily used as our 3rd due, or reserve engine, mainly when one of our other engines is out of service or unavailable.